Impact Solutions International


Sears (the US retail chain) learned that when their managers fully value and develop their employees (i.e., using the Manager as Coach approach), they could confidently predict future revenue growth in a particular district. When employee satisfaction increased 5%, revenue growth in a particular store increased by 5.5% – Harvard Business Review

We coach because we know it makes a difference.

“Coaching is about learning, yet a coach is not a teacher and does not necessarily know how to do things better than the coachee.

Coaching involves learning through various coaching techniques such as listening, reflecting, asking questions and providing information, coaches become self- correcting. Coaching is more about asking the right questions than providing the right answers.

Coaching is about change and transformation – about the human ability to grow, to alter maladaptive behaviour and to generate new, adaptive and successful actions. As most of us know, changing old patterns and habits can be difficult, even when we recognise they are disadvantaging or holding us back. A coach observes these habits, opens new possibilities and supports us in the sometimes difficult process of change.

Coaching is about re-inventing oneself – creating new stories, new identities and new futures. It recognises that the self is not a fixed entity, but is fluid and always in a state of becoming. Coaching is a journey where the journey is as important as the destination.

Coaching operates on an emotional plane. A coach works with our emotions, for it is by recognising and understanding our feelings that different behavioural possibilities can be realised.” – The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work P Zeus & S Skiffington (2000)

Impact Solutions International offers internationally accredited life and business coaches for executive leadership development and ‘coach the coach’ trainings. Our hallmark coaching program, The Executive Leadership Development Program, is reserved for those leaders who are committed to excellence at the highest level of office.